
This Information does not constitute an offer, invitation, or recommendation for the Company's credit facilities or securities. It should not be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy the facilities or securities in any jurisdiction. The information provided here should not be relied upon as investment advice, and individual investors should consult with a professional advisor regarding their specific investment objectives and needs.

The Company has compiled this based on available information, including data from public sources that have not been independently verified. No representation or warranty is provided regarding the fairness, accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information, opinions, or conclusions expressed herein. These projections do not fully represent the Company's cash generation performance.

The financial information presented is preliminary, unaudited, and subject to revision upon completion of the Company's closing and audit processes. It does not reflect any changes in the company's capital structure, resolution of obligations, or potential accounting adjustments.

Forward-looking statements made in this Information are valid only as of the date of this document and are subject to the cautionary statements provided within. The financial projections are preliminary and subject to change. The Company is under no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements based on subsequent events or circumstances. Actual results may vary from the projections due to uncertainties, unforeseen events, and business risks.

Projections inherently involve significant uncertainties and risks, and the actual results achieved may vary materially from the forecasts. Assumptions underlying the projections may prove inaccurate, and various economic, business, and competitive factors can influence the outcomes.